How to use Clubhouse to grow your business?


Imagine a Stage Presentation. The speaker is sharing the industry news, company updates, displays a case study, recent discoveries, personal experiences, or simply performing stand-up comedy to a larger group within the audience. You get the idea – it’s a basic concept of public speaking when a person or a group of people on stage presents valuable information to the listeners in the same room.

What is Clubhouse and how does it work?

Now think of a massive networking event with multiple stages. As an attendee, you can hop from room to room and listen in on multiple presentations. This is what Clubhouse is in a nutshell. The main difference is, it’s virtual, the attendees and the speakers can be located anywhere in the world, and it’s conducted through voice communication, and it’s all happening in real-time. It’s often compared to radio, unscripted podcasts, and, weirdly, listening to other people’s phone calls.

The main element of Clubhouse structure is “rooms”. Each room is dedicated to a specific topic and is moderated by the host aka the creator of that room. When you enter, your microphone is automatically muted. The room host can add you on stage which gives you the ability to unmute your mic and speak to everyone. Every Clubhouse room may have one or more speakers on the stage. Any of the listeners can raise their hands and get added on stage to ask questions or add to the conversation.

What are the benefits of Clubhouse?

You can leverage Clubhouse if you’re a small business owner, an entrepreneur, a freelancer, or if you simply love meeting new people. The platform presents you with opportunities to:

  • Learn from industry experts, have a chance to speak and connect with them, and even turn them into mentors.
  • Find people you can collaborate with in the future. If your company is looking for a potential employee or a freelancer with a particular skill set, Clubhouse can be a good place to meet those individuals.
  • Connect with potential clients, gain new followers, spread brand awareness.
  • Communicate your message effectively, introduce your business, and really show the benefit of choosing your brand.
  • Give advice/receive advice. If you’re struggling with a task, there is probably someone on Clubhouse, who has already dealt with the same issue in the past. Asking the right people to navigate you through the obstacles can help you solve what seems to be an unsolvable problem at the time. You can also become a source of such advice to others. 

What do you need to do to succeed on Clubhouse?

  • Focus on giving value. Unfortunately, there are many business owners on Clubhouse who focus on talking about their brand and not actually helping people. As an example, if you run a social media agency, stop talking about how great your agency is and how it is different from many other ones just like that. Instead, host a room where people can ask your advice and help them troubleshoot a problem, share information about some of the industry updates, algorithm changes, give content tips. Create an atmosphere where people can learn from you. Show your competence. It’s a classic case of “Show, not tell”. Think of it this way, if you had to interview someone, would it be enough if they simply told you they’re amazing for the job? Or would you like to hear how they solved a problem, and see how exactly they contributed to the execution of the business plan in their old role? 
  • Connect with the right people. Like any other social platform, Clubhouse has an algorithm. When you follow people, you will see more and more rooms popping up in your feed. Those rooms are suggested for you based on the people you follow and the interests you have in common. Find rooms you like, and follow people in that group. You can start with industry leaders, and then with other professionals in your niche. This way you will be provided with useful content and opportunities to the right people for your goals.
  • Engage in rooms and host your own. It may be awkward at first to jump in conversation with a bunch of strangers. Start small – raise your hand, ask a question, build your confidence. Everyone has something valuable to share, sometimes they don’t even know it. You will quickly figure out the dynamic of each room, especially if it’s well-moderated. Before you know it, you will be hosting your own, and stepping into the new audiences, and spreading brand awareness.
  • Be aware of the time you spend on the platform. Know what you’re looking for and be efficient. Clubhouse can be very addicting. It’s like a radio station where you get a chance to have a conversation with the hosts. Keep in mind, not all rooms give value to the listener. More often than not you can jump into a room where speakers only talk about their businesses like a broken record, and not necessarily giving away any valuable information. Have a plan in mind. What is it that you’re trying to achieve on Clubhouse today? Do you have a dilemma you need help with? Find Q&A rooms relevant to your area of interest, hop on stage, and get your question answered.

  • Host your own rooms. Make sure to prepare for the conversation, make notes of the topics you would like to cover, direct the participants to ensure the conversation is headed in the direction you intended. You will be challenged, and you must be ready for an honest conversation with real people. It is your time to shine and show your competence.
  • Drive traffic to your Instagram and YouTube. You can link your IG and YT to the Clubhouse bio, and encourage people to connect with you on those platforms. Or simply let them check out your profile and find their way there.

In any case, Clubhouse can be very helpful when it comes to growing your business. However, like any other social media platform, it requires planning and strategy. If you’d like to connect with us and hop on a free 15-minute call, we’d love to get to know your brand and help you grow your presence on social media.